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4 Ways to Prepare Your Body to Get Off Birth Control

4 Ways to Prepare Your Body to Get Off Birth Control

The inception of birth control options for women was a significant breakthrough in providing women with more control over their reproductive choices, which is awesome! However, I’ve noticed that many women have been on birth control since their teens or early 20s and don’t know what their natural cycle looks like. And I’m noticing more and more that women want to learn more about their hormones, their cycles and the natural ebb and flow of their body’s rhythms.

Maybe you are ready to have a baby. Or you are postpartum, done having babies and wanting to experience your natural cycles. Or you are just done or want a break from using hormones and want to reconnect with their body. All great reasons!

But, for many, this is a rough transition. Their periods return as painful, heavy, and irregular, and they have wild PMS. And they don’t have the tools to help manage their symptoms naturally or get to the root of this hormonal imbalance.

The only tool they were given way back when to address painful, heavy, irregular periods and wild PMS was birth control. So then they’re stuck or feel very frustrated with their body and their choices.

But I have good news!

Here’s a secret – birth control is NOT the only tool to help you manage crazy periods. There are a lot of other tools. And I teach these tools to my patients all day long!

If you’re ready to get off birth control because you want to get pregnant or you’re just done with synthetic hormones, it just might be time!

Why Women Want to Get off Birth Control

No matter what type of hormonal birth control you’re on, contraceptives establish hormonal control over your body – suppressing our natural cycles of ovulation, menstruation, and natural hormonal fluctuations – potentially masking underlying conditions never addressed. Plus, birth control has several side effects that are often not discussed.

Women have been carrying the burden of birth control messing with our hormones, carrying babies, birthing babies, feeding babies, etc. Yes, it’s an honor to grow and raise children for many women. But many are also DONE with things hijacking their hormones and messing with their bodies.

So, if you’re ready to get off birth control because you want to get pregnant, stop putting hormones into your body, or just want to be free from birth control, you’re in the right place.

Common Symptoms After Stopping Birth Control

I get a common question: How long will it take my hormones to balance after stopping birth control? The answer: it depends.

For some women, their period may return to normal in as little as a couple of months. For others, it may take some time before your hormones begin to balance - sometimes six months, sometimes longer. And for many women, it’s a bumpy ride post-birth control.

Your body needs time to wake back up and begin the natural flow and fluctuations of hormones throughout the month. And it’s common, though not necessarily “normal,” to experience symptoms after stopping birth control. These can all indicate an underlying hormone imbalance masked by the hormones in birth control. This is especially true if you started birth control for non-contraceptive reasons - menstrual cramps, heavy periods, or acne.

Here are some of the most common symptoms women come to me for help with:


Increased levels of androgens are associated with acne. Because hormonal birth control reduces the amount of circulating androgens, particularly testosterone in the body, it’s common for women to experience acne flare-ups as their levels return to normal. If persistent, it might be worth exploring some reasons behind elevated androgens, such as PCOS or increased sensitivity to androgens. For more on holistically supporting acne, check this out. And for myths and facts about PCOS, check out this blog!

Irregular or missed periods.

Your period can be sporadic when it first returns or may not return for a few months, which is normal. However, you are more likely to have irregular periods if you had irregular periods before you started birth control and the underlying reason was never addressed. This may also be due to conditions such as hypothyroidism or PCOS.

Heavier periods.

Hormonal birth control limits the growth of the uterine lining resulting in a lighter monthly period. Heavy bleeding may return if you began taking birth control to manage your heavy periods and the underlying cause was never addressed. Persistent, heavy bleeding is often a sign of hormonal imbalance and could be due to PCOS, endometriosis, or fibroids.

Painful periods.

Hormonal birth control suppresses the amount of bleeding and prostaglandins – the chemical that contributes to menstrual cramps – leading to decreased cramping while on birth control. When you stop taking birth control, cramping can increase. If painful periods were the reason you were put on birth control or you’re worried about it, check out this blog about natural tools to help manage painful periods.


Stopping hormonal birth control may cause headaches due to the withdrawal from hormones and also due to the natural hormone fluctuations women experience around their cycle. If headaches are persistent, this could indicate an underlying hormonal imbalance.

>> If you want to get off birth control, but not sure where to start...


These are my top 4 nutrients to support your hormones and detox your body after birth control.

Supplements aren't going to cure any hormone imbalance, but when women in my practice add these in, they begin to feel more energized and focused and have fewer hormonal symptoms.

Enter your name and email below and I’ll send the guide straight to your inbox!

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Preparing Your Body to Stop Birth Control

You’re ready to say goodbye to birth control and balance your hormones. But you also might be scared of what your body, your periods, and your cycle will feel like without birth control.

Ya, I get it!

If you are coming off of birth control, it’s best to think about preparing your body two to three months before stopping. This will allow you to experience a smoother transition. And the good news is that there are many effective ways to balance your hormones and ease symptoms experienced as you free your body from synthetic hormones.

Below are many of the ways I support women when they are interested in coming off birth control. We certainly do NOT utilize all of them. Based on a woman’s history (particularly WHY she went on birth control to begin with) and her goals, we strategize and come up with a plan to support her individual body. And of course, check with your doctor before starting any new diets, supplements, or herbs.

1. Nutrition.

On oral birth control, the body can become deficient in essential nutrients, including vitamins B2, B6, and B12; vitamins C and E; folate, zinc, and magnesium. Begin by giving your body lots of extra nutrients with an emphasis on nutrient-dense foods at every meal, including:

    • Fiber through lots of veggies and whole grains. Higher consumption of fiber has been linked with the body’s ability to balance reproductive hormones.
    • Healthy fats. Foods like avocado, almonds, flax seeds, and fatty fish are essential for proper hormone production and function.
    • Complex carbohydrates. Avoid eating simple carbs (pasta, crackers, chips, bread, for ex) alone to avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes.
    • Adequate Protein. Varied types of protein throughout the day to help stabilize your blood sugar regulation, mental health, and hormone balancing.
    • Phytoestrogens. Balance the synthetic estrogens from oral birth control with phytoestrogens like flax seeds. Whole soy in moderation, including edamame and tempeh are also phytoestrogens.
    • Go easy on sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. These all lead to more inflammatory signals that contribute to imbalanced hormones and unpleasant symptoms.

2. Promote Healthy Detox.

Hormones are processed through the liver and the balance of your natural sex hormones depends on the health of your liver and gut. (Read more about the gut, hormones and your estrobolome here). If we support the body’s and liver’s natural detoxification process, we can reduce symptoms of hormonal imbalance, including PMS, irregular periods, heavy periods, and hormonal acne. Read more about promoting detoxification and give the following a try:

    • Movement. Do something that you love daily! Whatever it is, just move your body!
    • Sweat! Sweating can help with hormone balance, digestion, mental health, energy, etc. Aim for a sauna or sweat session one to two times per week.
    • Poop. Daily. Pooping helps to get rid of excess hormones! Fiber, water, colorful veggies, and movement all promote healthy pooping.
    • Avoid endocrine-disrupting hormones (EDCs). We don’t want to burden our body further with more hormone disruption. Learn how you can reduce your exposure to EDCs here.

3. Supplements and Herbs.

Targeted herbal supplementation can help support hormone balance and improve essential nutrients that may have become depleted with the use of oral birth control.

Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrients:

    • B-complex
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc
    • Vitamin C
    • NAC


    • Vitex, called Chaste Tree Berry Extract, regulates ovulation, increases fertility, and improves progesterone.
    • Liver-supporting herbs such as Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Burdock, Dandelion Root can all help your liver process synthetic and excess hormones, making your transition off of birth control a smoother and more enjoyable process.
    • Saw palmetto can be helpful for acne flare-ups after stopping birth control.

4. Cycle Tracking.

Bring awareness to your body and take charge of your menstrual cycle and fertility with cycle tracking. Try the following tips, and to gain more understanding and confidence with your cycle, join our Cycle Confidence Workshop.

    • Find a cycle tracking app that you love.
    • Track your period, including how long it is and the quality and quantity of flow.
    • Note any spotting or clots.
    • Track your cervical fluid (the clear, stretch, lubricative fluid that indicates ovulation is near!)
    • Document any PMS symptoms, including cramping, breast tenderness, headaches, backaches, mood changes, etc.
    • Chart your basal body temperature.

Get Off Birth Control and Become Confident in Your Body

Are you ready to be FREE from birth control? You might be ready to get pregnant, or your husband just had a vasectomy 👏🏽, or you’re ready to ditch synthetic hormones or you’re ready to connect with your body and your natural cycle.

>> Join Reclaiming Your Power, an 8-module program led by a naturopathic doctor (me!) to help you transition off birth control with your confidence and ease. (You'll have access for 12 months). Whether you are wanting to prepare your body to get off birth control or heal your body post birth control, this program is for you! Sign up here. Use code RECLAIM100 for $100 off.

And as always, I love connecting one on one. Schedule an alignment call with me today to see if working together is a good fit. 🙌🏼

Here’s to happy hormones and balanced bodies, ladies! 🤗

Please note that the information provided here is for general educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are considering discontinuing birth control (or any other medication) or starting a new supplement, please consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before doing so. Your doctor can provide you with personalized advice based on your medical history and current health status.

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