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Loving Our Liver: Rebooting Your Liver

Loving Our Liver: Rebooting Your Liver

Spring is here!

There is a feeling of renewal and new life all around us. Plants are starting to sprout, the days are getting longer, and the sun is warming the earth.

Winter was a time for us to conserve energy. Hibernate away from the cold days. And after a season spent indoors, our bodies crave movement, sunlight, and fresh food. Spring is a time of regeneration and new beginnings. It’s also an ideal time to give your body a reboot by loving on your liver.

Lessons from Traditional Chinese Medicine

Ancient Chinese medicine teachings view the body and the world through the lens of the 5 Elements. These principles suggest that the changes in your body and the universe occur in five cyclical stages. The five elements are Wood/Spring, Fire/Summer, Earth/Late Summer, Metal/Autumn, and Water/Winter.

Each stage is associated with a time of the year, an element of nature, and a pair of organs in the body. As we leave winter and head into the Wood element (Spring) we focus on cleansing and renewing our bodies. Bringing a focus on the liver and gallbladder.

The Liver and Gallbladder

Let me start by telling you that these organs do A LOT for our bodies. Known as the commander-general of the body, the liver alone has over 500 functions. In general, the liver is the body’s main organ for detoxification. Meaning it filters out all the “stuff” that we put in our bodies including toxins, medications, and alcohol. Then it packages them up so we can excrete them.

The liver, located on the right side of your belly, works very hard to keep us healthy. It helps to get rid of what we don’t need and manages our hormonal balance, cholesterol levels, and weight (to name a few). The gallbladder located under the liver works as a partner with the liver. If you support one, you support the other. If one is weak, the other will experience an extra burden.

When these organs are imbalanced they get overwhelmed and do not function properly. They begin to store material that should be eliminated. Which results in toxins building up in our bodies. That’s when we can develop many physical and emotional symptoms including:

    • Headaches
    • Fatigue
    • Skin rashes
    • Acne
    • PMS
    • Irritability or mood swings

Now, more than ever, our bodies are overwhelmed with environmental and exogenous toxins. Including plastics, phthalates, BPA, alcohol, food additives, growth hormones, and more (read more about endocrine-disrupting chemicals here). Also, there are millions (if not billions) of biochemical processes occurring in our bodies that produce waste products.

We rely on our organs of detoxification, known as our emunctories, including our liver, skin, lungs, colon, and kidneys to help us get rid of our waste products. And, it’s important to improve the functioning of these routes of elimination so that our bodies can move out waste and toxins.

Benefits of Loving Our Liver

Helping the liver and gallbladder do their jobs is so important! When not functioning properly, the liver can experience a build-up of toxins that contribute to the development of many chronic conditions.

The good news is that we can help! We can help support our body’s detoxification processes by reducing the number of things it needs to filter out and working to improve its function.

There are many benefits to loving our liver including:

    • Improved digestion
    • Improved symptoms of a hormone imbalance including PMS, irregular periods, heavy periods, and hormonal acne
    • Improved skin quality and less acne
    • Boosted immunity
    • Increased energy and mental clarity
    • Enhanced egg/sperm quality

Loving Our Liver: How to Support the Liver

Here are four ways to keep your liver happy, healthy, and flowing smoothly.


Nourishing your liver through food begins with an anti-inflammatory diet full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthful fats. A liver-cleansing diet can include foods like beets, artichokes, leafy greens, broccoli, and sprouts.

To nourish and cleanse your liver through food consider these tips:

    • Load up on your cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, arugula, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts.
    • Balance out the sulfur found in cruciferous vegetables with root vegetables and fruits.
    • Avoid heavy, greasy, and fried foods.
    • Limit sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and dairy.

Fiber and Magnesium

One of the most important things to consider when supporting your liver is pooping. As the liver and bile from the gallbladder break down toxins they are packaged up and sent out of the body in our stool. If you’re not pooping daily, then the toxins could recirculate through the body. Contributing to fatigue, mood issues, hormone issues, and more.

If you’re not pooping daily, consider taking extra magnesium and fiber. Slowly build up to your desired dose of fiber. And, make sure you take fiber with LOTS of water, away from other supplements so it doesn’t bind everything up.

If you have gut dysbiosis, fiber may upset your digestion or contribute to bloating. If you experience bloating after increasing fiber, go slow or you might consider talking with your doctor about this. Gut dysbiosis and chronic bloating are my specialty areas and something I help a lot of patients with!

Quarterly Cleanse or Detox

Many cultures around the world use a cleanse throughout the year. Giving their digestion and liver a break from all the hard work it does.

A gentle cleanse or detox can help keep toxins and chemicals in the body to a minimum, reduce symptoms of a liver imbalance, and keep us trucking along.


  • NAC. A precursor to glutathione, NAC helps with detoxification in the liver. And, it can help reduce the burden of environmental toxins on your body.

  • Glutathione. Referred to as the “mother antioxidant”, Glutathione protects cells from the damage caused by toxins. And it also boosts the immune system.

  • Methionine, Inositol, Choline. These lipotropic compounds help to break down fat in the liver during the metabolic process. By freeing the liver of excess fat they also help flush toxins from the liver in the process.

  • Electrolytes – Minerals are required for all of the liver detoxification processes. If you’re working out and sweating, it’s important to replace these minerals. Electrolytes are especially important if you filter your water because the necessary minerals are filtered out as well.


  • Milk Thistle – Containing a flavonoid, Silymarin, which has antioxidant properties that supports a healthy inflammatory response and promotes detoxification of the liver.

  • Turmeric – Used to support a healthy inflammatory response, turmeric also has liver-protective properties that help support healthy liver function.

  • Broccoli Sprout Extract – A powerful sulforaphane, broccoli sprout extract can help increase the liver’s natural detoxification.

Rebooting Your Liver

With the arrival of spring, it’s time to cleanse and renew our bodies…and your liver.

Get the insight, personalized action plan, and support you need to love your liver this spring. Get started by scheduling a free discovery call today.


 "Spring and the Liver - China Institute, TCM Clinic in St. Paul." Accessed 9 Mar. 2022.

 "Liver: Anatomy and Functions | Johns Hopkins Medicine." Accessed 9 Mar. 2022.

 "N-acetylcysteine as a potential antidote and biomonitoring agent of ...." Accessed 10 Mar. 2022.

 "The Use of N-Acetylcysteine as a Chelator for Metal Toxicity." 21 Sep. 2018, Accessed 10 Mar. 2022.

 "Glutathione in the treatment of liver diseases: insights from clinical ...." Accessed 10 Mar. 2022.

 "The effect of choline and myo-inositol on liver and carcass fat levels ...." Accessed 10 Mar. 2022.

 "Pharmacological actions of curcumin in liver diseases or damage." Accessed 10 Mar. 2022.

 "Broccoli sprout extract induces detoxification-related gene ... - NCBI." Accessed 10 Mar. 2022.

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