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Natural Sleep Aids – 5 Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Natural Sleep Aids – 5 Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Do you ever lay in bed at night feeling exhausted from your day, but unable to fall asleep? Tossing and turning knowing that tomorrow you will need an extra cup (or two) of coffee. Or, do you fall asleep easily, but you wake up feeling exhausted and you are ready for a nap by lunchtime? Perhaps your toddler woke you up in the middle of the night and instead of falling back to sleep you start running through tomorrow’s to-do list.

You’re not alone! It’s estimated that more than one-third of adults are not getting enough sleep regularly. The bad news is that not getting enough sleep increases your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and stroke. In addition, people not getting enough sleep also experience decreased immune function, an inability to concentrate, weight gain, and inflammation.

An astounding 9 million American adults use medications for sleep. That’s nearly 1 in 4 adults! But what blows my mind is that many medications prescribed as sleep aids have horrendous side effects. Including feeling sleepy the next day. Now tell me how that makes sense.

The good news in all of this is that there are lots of amazing and natural solutions beyond benzos to help improve your sleep!

Reconnect With Your Sleep

Many of my patients who have sleep issues are wiped out and have brain fog that interfere with their daily life. Many have a spare tire around their waist and have difficulty losing weight in general. Improving these sleep-related symptoms begins with mastering the art of a good night’s sleep.

This starts with prioritizing your sleep. This is hard for many of us, but sleep must be a priority. A good night’s sleep for adults should include at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Getting 7 hours of sleep regularly will require you to prepare for and get adequate sleep every day.

Yes, our schedules are packed. And oftentimes nighttime is the only time for peace and quiet after kiddos are in bed. But regular sleep is necessary. And it’s possible if you are consistent and dedicate the time needed to prepare your body for sleep.

Natural Sleep Aids

While identifying the best natural sleep aids for you, I like to look at the impact of stress and hormones on your sleep. Many sleep related issues are related to fluctuations in your cortisol or progesterone levels. A cortisol imbalance, commonly caused from high stress, directly impacts your ability and quality of sleep. In addition, it’s common for women who are postpartum or in perimenopause to experience low progesterone. Low progesterone can make it difficult to get to and stay asleep.

When working with my patients to address sleep issues, I always begin with a natural approach. Yes, there are several medications that can be used to treat sleep issues. But, if you have no associated medical issues, starting with natural sleep aids can help you build long-lasting, healthy sleep habits. In addition, natural sleep aids will not cause withdrawal symptoms and do not have the addictive qualities like sleep medications do.

Reconnecting with your sleep and forming a new, healthy sleep pattern can take time. Begin with the following 5 natural sleep tips to help you establish a new routine and transform your relationship with sleep. Practice these steps daily, but give yourself a month or more to see the transformational benefits of healthy sleep.

Don’t give up! Keep at it! Better sleep is in your future!

5 Tips to Naturally Improve Your Sleep

Dim Your Lights

Your body is programmed to sleep when it is dark out and wake when it is light out. This is known as your circadian rhythm. The body produces the hormone melatonin that influences the circadian rhythm and prepares your body for sleep. Bright lights in the evening can slow the production of melatonin making it more difficult for you to fall asleep naturally.

Try these tips to encourage natural melatonin production

    • Two to three hours before your desired bedtime, turn off overhead lights.
    • Use soft ambient light from lamps
    • Use blackout curtains to eliminate external light


Make your bedroom a device-free zone.

Many of us are “plugged in” to our computers, email, and phones all day. The light and sensory input from our devices can interfere with sleep and keep our stress levels elevated. Giving us that tired but wired feeling at night.

If possible, remove electronic devices from the bedroom to avoid the impulse to check notifications, update your to-do list, or respond to an email. Try powering down a few hours before bed to give your body a chance to de-stress before sleep.

If you are unable to remove all of your devices from your bedroom, try turning their brightness down, silence any notifications during the night, and avoid checking them for at least one hour before bedtime.

Develop a Sleep Schedule

Maintaining a consistent sleep and wake schedule helps to maintain the body’s internal clock. With consistent sleep and wake times, you will find that you fall asleep and wake up more easily.

Start by determining your sleep and wake times. From there establish a bedtime routine that supports your ideal bedtime.

Keep in mind that if you are adjusting your sleep schedule it can take several days to weeks to get acclimated to your new schedule. If you need to make a drastic change to your sleep schedule, I recommend adjusting by 15 minutes per week. This will help your body adjust more easily. While you are adjusting your schedule, avoid later afternoon caffeine and napping.

Start Early

No, I don’t mean you have to go to bed early. Instead, think about how you can organize your day to support your sleep tonight. At first, this might seem strange. But once you have a routine, these tips will become second nature.

  • Wake up around the same time each morning
  • ** This one is HUGE – get exposure to the morning light. Whether from sunshine or a lightbox, this will help regulate your cortisol and melatonin.
  • Plan regular exercise into your day. Even a 20-minute walk can help. You will be amazed how regular exercise (but not too much) can immensely help with sleep, especially if you feel antsy at night.

Herbs and Supplements for Sleep

Herbal medicines are lovely for supporting healthy sleep. Most herbs and supplements that I use with my patients are gentle, non-addictive alternatives to medications. And they can be used safely alongside other medications. Many can also be used in the middle of the night if you are waking up and cannot get back to sleep. (’s with babies and toddlers...I’m talking to you).

If you are planning to try any of these herbs or supplements to support your sleep, I recommend talking with your provider first. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, many of the suggestions below are safe for you, but check with your provider first before starting them.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is a popular essential oil commonly used for anxiety to promote relaxation. Lavender can help you to fall asleep more quickly and have a more restful sleep. Try diffusing lavender oil an hour before bedtime or putting several drops in a warm epsom salt bath.


Chamomile has long been regarded for its ability to induce sleep. Try sipping a strong cup of warm chamomile tea 1 to 2 hours before bed. Here is my favorite one.


Ashwagandha is known for its sleep-promoting effects and is especially beneficial in combating the tired but wired feelings. When taken regularly ashwagandha can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and experience better quality sleep.


Melatonin is best used if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It’s also especially helpful for shift workers. It is easy to take too much melatonin. I recommend starting with 0.5 – 1mg one to two hours before bedtime.


Passionflower is known for slowing brain activity and helping to ease anxiety. I like to combine passionflower and oat in a tincture to calm the body and prepare it for sleep, especially when sleep issues are related to stress. Passionflower is a common ingredient in many sleepy time teas. Or can be brewed into a tea by itself.

California Poppy

California poppy is known as a sedative. Whether taken alone or with other herbs, it can help reduce anxiety, ease tension and body aches, and calm your nerves. California poppies can be very strong and should not be taken before driving.


5-HTP is a naturally occurring amino acid that supports the production of serotonin. Serotonin helps to initiate the calm feeling to begin sleep and helps to keep you asleep. If you are on an SSRI or antidepressant, 5-HTP should be avoided. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your provider before starting 5-HTP.

Calcium and Magnesium

The combination of calcium and magnesium helps to promote relaxation and deep sleep. Magnesium helps to prepare you for sleep by calming the body and mind. Calcium supports our deepest sleep cycles.

When to See Your Doctor For Sleep Support

Stay connected with your provider while you work through these 5 tips to naturally improve your sleep. If your sleep issues do not improve after three months or you have other medical symptoms including sleep apnea, not sleeping due to an injury, or a recent head injury, talk with your primary care physician. They can evaluate you for other sleep disorders or other medical conditions that may be causing your sleep disruptions.

Are you ready for your best night’s sleep? Try out these 5 tips to improve your sleep and let me know how you felt. Or, schedule an appointment to get one-on-one, personalized recommendations on how you can naturally improve your sleep.

1. "1 in 3 adults don't get enough sleep | CDC Online Newsroom." Accessed 11 Nov. 2021.

2. "Prescription Sleep Aid Use Among Adults: United States, 2005–2010." Accessed 1 Dec. 2021.

3. "Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Healthy Adult." Accessed 11 Nov. 2021.

4. "Light & Sleep: Effects on Sleep Quality | Sleep Foundation." 3 Nov. 2020, Accessed 17 Nov. 2021.


Connect With Your Cycle

This is Cycle Syncing 101. Everything you need to know about tracking your cycle and aligning with the fluctuations and changes.

Learn more about the magic of our cycle, and living our life while honoring our needs. 


Perimenopause Support

A holistic approach to all things hormones in our late 30s and 40s for long-term, sustainable well-being. 

How do I know I've entered perimenopause? Are the hot flashes coming? Gain clarity around these changes and move through (peri)menopause with ease.


Personalized 1:1 Care

A 1:1 approach for those who feel like they're doing all the right things – yet something's off. 

Or maybe you have no idea where to start and just want a hormonal specialist to dive deeper. 

We'll take out the guesswork and tune into what you and your body needs. 



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Service Three

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Dr. Jenna M Rayachoti

P: 206.552.9829; F: 833.914.2701


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Mailing address: PO Box 254, Winthrop, WA 98862

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